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Staplers have been around since the late 1870's therefore, we have a great selection of antique and vintage machines for review and examination. The development of staplers really took off in the early 1900's and improvements followed. Many machines produced today are based on designs dating the early 1930's.

Today, we refer to this office machine as a stapler. But early paper fasteners included the Eyelet machine and pin fasteners. Even now, some examples are proving to be more desirable to collectors and are harder to find. When examining the early machines, it easy to see these machines are historic. They were developed and manufactured during the mechanical revolution.

Simple in design yet dependable. These 19th century and early 20th century designs are what you would expect of the era and this is where the concept of paper fasteners began.

Arrow Fastener 1939 Acme stapler1890 Acme stapler 1895 Acme stapler 1896 Acme stapler 1896 Acme stapler 1905 Acme stapler 1914 Acme stapler 1916 Acme stapler 1920 Acme stapler 1921 Automatic Wire Stitching Machine 1880 Bates stapler 1934 Bates stapler 1935 Bates stapler 1930 Bates Model C 1938 Bates stapler 1941 Boston Fastener 1907 Eveready stapler 1919 Greenfield 1914 Keyes 1896 Krantz 1933 Original Paper Fastener 1877 Trigger Action 1939 Trigger Action 1940 Hotchkiss 1899 Hotchkiss 1900 Hotchkiss 1901 Hotchkiss 1902 Hotchkiss 1905 Hotchkiss 1923 Hotchkiss 1925 Hotchkiss Zephyr 1937 Hotchkiss Aristocrat 1938 Hotchkiss Director Hutchison 1915 Markwell 1939 McGills 1879 McGill's 1882 Novelty Paper Fastener 1880 Star Stapler 1895 Star Stapler 1955 Swingline Model 3 Stapler Tatum Stapler 1954 Victor Stapler 1939 Worcester Stapler  1923 Yarger Stapler 1903 Yarger Stapler 1887 SI Link